I'd like to introduce you to the unsung heroes of the this stay-at-home situation, and some of the finest residents of our lovely neighborhood.

That's right: it's YOUR DOGS! Williams Park has many amazing qualities, including a love of furry four leggers. During this time of quarantine, they are keeping us sane, keeping us active, and keeping our spirits up. So, I decided to do a personal project and celebrate them. What I'm doing: photographing the dogs of Williams Park and sharing the images online with a bit of bio and backstory on the dog: name, breed, age, unique personality traits, etc.

This is a completely complimentary and voluntary endeavor, no money or formalities involved. I'm taking images as the opportunity arrives during my daily walks, or by requests a 'walk by' of their yard or porch. Feel free to flag me down if you see me out and about with the camera, or contact me to have me swing by and photograph your dog on your stoop or front porch.  :) Images are being shared on my Instagram (@ninaparkerphoto) and here on the WP page.


Nina Parker | ninaparkerpets.com