Thank you Casey! Since the inception of WPN in 2005, Casey Clavin has served as editor of this publication, the Memo. Every quarter she gave generously of her time and tal- ents to make sure each issue was informative and fun to read. She has written articles, solicited news, edited material written by others, designed and laid out each issue, and made sure it was “printer ready” for almost 14 years.
Casey focused closely on the quality of the Memo and it showed. In addition
to quarterly updates on happenings around the neighborhood, there is an even greater value contained in past issues. If you browse through the Memoarchive (available on the WPN website), you can trace the history of the neighborhood from our very beginning. You’ll find stories about neighbors who have come and gone, children who were born here and are fast growing up, and lots of photos of folks shar- ing good times at our gatherings.
The Memo truly captures the spirit of Williams Park and allows us all to share that spirit. As Casey steps away from the editor- ship (December 2018 was her last issue), please join me in giving her a great big thank you for her inspired contributions to Williams Park.
By Keith Bentley, WPN President Emeritus