Ward 3 / City of Smyrna Update, Winter 2024
Our Ward 3 City Council Member, Travis Lindley, recently sent out his City Update. Below are highlights from his report:
Coming Soon / Downtown Redevelopment (9-acre site)
Mayor Norton has called for the creation of a task force of residents to start the process of determining the best use for the redevelopment of the current First Baptist Church (site). First Baptist Church has voted to sell their current campus and move to a new location and building on Atlanta Road near the Reed House. The City of Smyrna will purchase the current campus and work to redevelop the site. We expect the committee to be set and announced in the coming weeks. Of note, the rock chapel will be preserved for future use.
Exciting Projects Underway
Village Green Park - COMPLETED
Mt. Zion Cemetery Restoration - COMPLETED
Windy Hill Road Project – COMING SOON/ underway and expected completion by late 2024
Traffic Calming / Traffic Calming Committee
We continue to make significant progress citywide on traffic calming measures, most of which have come directly from residents throughout the city. In 2020, Mayor Norton created a special committee to look at traffic calming citywide. Council Members Susan Wilkinson, Tim Gould and I serve on the committee, I as committee chair. The calming measures range from enhanced road markings, stop signs, traffic islands and curbing, speed humps, and chicanes.
Council Ward Map
As a result of the 2022 council redistricting process, below is the current council map. Ward 3 is among the largest wards in the city. To check on voter registration, you can visit: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/
City of Smyrna Financial Health: AAA Bond Rated
I’m proud to serve as the Chair of the City’s Budget Committee to work hand in hand with the budget committee and our City Finance Director and team. Collectively we can report the city is in sound financial standing.
Each month, the City Finance Team updates the financial data published to the Smyrna City website. Tableau Public is a free platform that allows the City to easily visualize budget data alongside year-to-date revenues and expenditures. To access the Open Data dashboards, click “Departments” at the top of our home page, select “Finance Department”, then click “Explore the data” at the bottom of the page. You can also follow this URL for a direct link: https://www.smyrnaga.gov/departments/departments/finance/open-data
Save The Dates: 2024 Quarterly Ward 3 Meetings – First Sunday of Each Quarter
· · Sunday, April 5th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
· Sunday, July 7th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
· Sunday, October 6th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
Please plan to come and hear what’s going on in Ward 3. I’m proud that we will have executed and held over 20 townhall meetings in the last 4 years – thanks to those of you who have come to one of them!
Ward Appointments – Our Neighbors
As the Ward 3 Council Member, I am honored to appoint several Ward 3 residents to posts representing Ward 3:
Planning & Zoning - Keith Bentley, Williams Park
Hospital Authority - Joan Stuart, Bank Street
Keep Smyrna Beautiful - Matt Anderson, Glen Rose
Parks and Recreation – Tobi North, Park View
Housing Authority - Lem Ward, JD, Williams Park
Special Thanks!
Thank you to Mrs. Liz Davis for over 20 years of service and leadership to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board. Mrs. Davis’s leadership, passion and energy for KSB, KSB Chair, Williams Park and the City of Smyrna have been a high calling and we thank her.
A huge thank you to Mrs. Betty Williams for serving on the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board for nearly 18 years. Mrs. Williams’s service and longstanding work to better Smyrna is much appreciated.
Smyrna Fact: The Smyrna Pubic LIbrary
The City of Smyrna is the only city of Georgia’s 537 cities to have its own public library. In 2023, the library had 145,339 visitors.
Tillman House
Looking to engage and help your community? I urge you to learn more about a vital service organization here in our community. Particularly for people needing food assistance, Tillman House has filled an enormous need in our community, and we continue to connect those in need with assistance. For those who don’t yet know of this crucial ministry, it is located at 1315 Concord Road.
Upcoming Events? (Civic clubs, HOA meetings, etc.)
Please let me know if you would like me or any other member of city staff to attend a meeting or event – we are always happy to join you and update you on city business.
HOA Meeting Location – I’m happy to host your HOA meeting at City Hall.
Want to get involved? Reach out to me at: tlindley@smyrnaga.gov or 678-631-5308. Please feel free to contact me with questions, concerns or ideas.