Ward 3 / City of Smyrna Update
Sixth Edition: Fall 2023
I’m hoping this update finds you well as we wrap up a busy summer and look toward the fall and a new year. As promised, I want to update you on the many happenings for our great city.
Ward 3 Update
Smyrna is on the move! Smyrna is great place to live; the energy in our community is all around us.
151st City Birthday Celebration – A Grand Bash! The birthday celebration featuring the Goo Dolls, 10,000 Maniacs & The Wallflowers drew 30,000 people and was a great success. A huge thanks to Jennifer Bennett, our city staff for executing a wonderful event, to our first repo sonders and to all who attended.
Exciting Projects Underway
· Village Green Downtown Redesign – COMPLETED
· Market Village Fountain Replacement – COMPLETED
· Village Green Park – to be completed late 2023
· Windy Hill Road Project – underway and expected completion by 2024
Traffic Calming / Traffic Calming Committee
We continue to make significant progress citywide on traffic calming measures, most of which have come directly from residents throughout the city. By year end, we will have completed the initial list of nearly 50 locations and calming measures. In 2020, Mayor Norton created a special committee to look at traffic calming citywide. Council Members Susan Wilkinson, Tim Gould and I serve on the committee, I as committee chair. The calming measures range from enhanced road markings, stop signs, traffic islands and curbing, speed humps, and chicanes. As always, a huge thanks to our city staff, especially Ashley White and Eric Randall!
Mt. or Mount Zion Cemetery
Work continues at Mt. Zion Cemetery. As you may recall, the city has restored the historic cemetery. Last week, the new sign was installed, and a monument is being produced memorializing those buried in the cemetery. The cemetery is Smyrna’s historic African American cemetery and dates back to 1877.
Council Ward Map
As a result of the 2022 council redistricting process, below is the current council map. Ward 3 is among the largest wards in the city. To check on voter registration, you can visit: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/
City of Smyrna Financial Health
I’m proud to serve as the Chair of the City’s Budget Committee to work hand in hand with the budget committee and our City Finance Director and team. Collectively we can report the city is in sound financial standing.
Each month, the City Finance Team updates the financial data published to the Smyrna City website. Tableau Public is a free platform that allows the City to easily visualize budget data alongside year-to-date revenues and expenditures. To access the Open Data dashboards, click “Departments” at the top of our home page, select “Finance Department”, then click “Explore the data” at the bottom of the page. You can also follow this URL for a direct link: https://www.smyrnaga.gov/departments/departments/finance/open-data
Save The Dates: 2024 Quarterly Ward 3 Meetings – First Sunday of Each Quarter
· Sunday, January 7th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
· Sunday, April 5th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
· Sunday, July 7th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
· Sunday, October 6th, 5 pm @ City Hall – Joint Ward Meetings with Wards 3, 6 & 1
Please plan to come and hear what’s going on in Ward 3. I’m proud that we will have executed and held over 20 townhall meetings in the last year – thanks to those of you who have come to one of them!
Ward Appointments – Our Neighbors
As the Ward 3 Council Member, I am honored to appoint several Ward 3 residents to posts representing Ward 3:
Planning & Zoning - Keith Bentley, Williams Park
Hospital Authority - Joan Stuart, Bank Street
Keep Smyrna Beautiful - Betty Williams, Rose Gardens
Parks and Recreation – Tobi North, Park View
Housing Authority - Lem Ward, JD, Williams Park
I am pleased to have several additional residents from Ward 3 serving in appointed positions citywide.
Want to get involved? Reach out to me at: tlindley@smyrnaga.gov
2023 Projects Completed & Promises Kept!
I want to thank the residents of Ward 3 for allowing me to serve as your Council Member – it has been a productive year. We have much on the horizon to be excited about in our great community and I eagerly look forward to the challenges and outcomes.
As always, I want to recognize our dedicated city staff, from our police and firefighters, public works, community development and our administration staff – these are folks who work each day to make our community a better place.
Community Outreach
I have received many emails and calls from residents in Ward 3, and with the help of our great city staff, we have been able to timely address issues as they come in throughout the Ward. If I can be of assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.
We are here to help.
Tillman House
Looking to engage and help your community? I urge you to learn more about a vital service organization here in our community. Particularly for people needing food assistance, Tillman House has filled an enormous need in our community, and we continue to connect those in need with assistance. For those who don’t yet know of this crucial ministry, it is located at 1315 Concord Road.
Upcoming Events? (Civic clubs, HOA meetings, etc.)
Please let me know if you would like me or any other member of city staff to attend a meeting or event – we are always happy to join you and update you on city business.
HOA Meeting Location – I’m happy to host your HOA meeting at City Hall.
Constituent Services
It is my honor to serve you and this ward. If I can be of assistance, please let me know.
Please feel free to contact me with questions, concerns, or ideas.
My email is tlindley@smyrnaga.gov and my phone number is (678) 631-5308.