2023/2024 WPN Officers Election
Hey WPN,
Each year we hold an officer election for WPN, and it’s that time of year again.
For the first time in five years we will hold our election at the Chili Cook Off, on October 21st.
Our current officers all wish to serve again this coming year. However, If you would like to nominate yourself to run for an officer seat:
Please contact Chris Jacob our elections committee chairperson.
Email: Christopher.jacob813@gmail.com and let him know which seat you wish to run for.
The nomination window is open now until Saturday October 21st. Nominations will also be taken from the floor.
If you would like more information or to speak to us about anything related to the election:
Email: williamsparkneighbors@gmail.com
Call: Rob Allen - President, 404-909-5253