Volunteer Project Help Needed - Pergola
It’s time that we do some routine maintenance to our beloved Pergola. We are looking for some experienced help/knowledge as well as some volunteer labor.
I’m hopeful that we have someone in the neighborhood who can tell us what we need to do to get the Pergola back into cosmetic shape and point out any areas that may need some repair, as well as to what needs to be done periodically to keep it looking good.
If you have that knowledge and skill set and would be open for heading up this project for
our community could you please reach out to Rob/Us - williamsparkneighbors@gmail.com or Rob: 404-909-5253.
We are hoping to be able to start/complete this project in the month of May. Once we secure a project leader, I’ll reach back out for volunteer labor help. If you’re interested in volunteering your time/labor you can comment below in the meantime. (Potential Project Leaders should email only).