Now Calling all Bloggers
What’s on your mind to share?
Hey - this ain’t gotta be fancy….
We know there’s a LOT of opinion in WPN (wink wink). Why not put that talent to good use and contribute to our neighborhood blog? Are you a gardener willing to share some occasional tips? Maybe you’re a foodie and could share some recipes or restaurant review? Whether it’s a DIY tip, a book review, tech tip, diet/fitness info, educational or informational does not matter. We just want to hear your voice!!
If you’re interested or have some questions please reach out by filling out the form in our volunteer section.
We hope that you’ll enjoy our neighborhood news curated completely by your neighbors.
Our intent is to create a place where you can keep up with important announcements and updates within the neighborhood but also a place to allow for bloggers and blog readers to post relevant content to our site. We hope to have new content to share weekly and invite everyone to read and we of course need volunteers to blog. The more the merrier. If you’re interested please let us know in the volunteer section.