Thank you to our chairpersons
“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
This couldn’t be more true as it relates to the hard-working volunteers of WPN. There’s more that goes into making WPN run than most people know. It’s at times rewarding and at times thankless. I know our neighborhood is a better neighborhood however because of the efforts and dedication of our board members and chairpersons.
I’d like to personally thank the following who are retiring effective November 1st, 2020.
Keith Bentley - President Emeritus
I’ll never be able to give proper gratitude to the WPN legacy left by Keith. Cool, calm and collected is an understatement but it’s what I’ve grown to admire about Keith the most. He will always have an answer for whatever question you ask. He’s genuine and really loves this neighborhood. Keith, thanks for serving as President for so many years, all of your hard-work and being a great resource for me in learning the ropes.
Hayli McQuade - Membership
Hayli has served in many roles over the years. Most recently, she served as membership chair. It’s one of our more involved - and definitely one of the most thankless - roles on our team. Hayli served many times as a historian and often as a voice for the neighborhood. Some people have a knack for getting their thoughts across in a way that is well-received and genuine. Lots of improvement’s that have happened over the years are due in large part to Hayli’s advocacy and we should all be grateful.
Ed & Linda Heck (They’re a package deal) - Beautification
Ed & Linda have also served in many more ways than just beautification projects around the neighborhood. You would almost always see the black pickup truck parked in and around most any WPN event filled full of tables, chairs, piñatas and who know’s what else. Ed and Linda will leave behind their well crafted Little Libraries for all of us to remember them by. Thank you Ed & Linda for all of your hard work over the years. I have a feeling that we’re not through with you yet, though……
Jill Huitron - Every ones favorite party planner and Happy Hour coordinator
Before the times of social distancing, this neighborhood was once a thriving Friday night hangout once per month. Jill coordinated these events for many years, made sure they were fun and well attended. You’ll still see the Huitron’s carving a groove in the sidewalks around Roswell st for quite some time I’m sure. Be sure to give a wave and smile the next time that you see them.
Eli & Laura Fine, Chandra Kenyon, Marie Lambremont
All of these people have also helped in many ways and never got a proper send-off or sign of gratitude for their hard work. Thank you to all of you for what you’ve contributed over the years and to our neighborhood.
Thank you also to the,
20/21 WPN Board and Chairpersons
Rob Allen - President
Kristy Barker - Vice President, Social Chair VP
Liz Davis - Secretary
Claudia Tullock - Treasurer
Emily Devane - Social Chair & At Large
At Large 2 - Vacant (formerly held by Hayli McQuade)
Committee Chairpersons
Christie Allen - Communications
Daniker Floyd - Welcome Committee
Please also welcome our newcomer
Cathleen Young
Cathleen is joining our team to help with Social activities and events. She’s lived in Smyrna forever, and a former fellow Spartan from Campbell High and also attended middle and elementary school in Smyrna.
If you’re interested in any of the positions below or would just like to occasionally help please let us know by filling out the volunteer form by clicking Learn More. As you can see, we’ve lost a lot of exceptional help and would really like to keep the positive momentum going. To do that we need your help. Thank you in advance!
Adopt A Mile
Responsibilities are coordinating the quarterly Adopt A Mile that we participate in with Keep Smyrna Beautiful.
Send out invitations for volunteers
Collect & drop off supplies from KSB the day of the event
Coordinate the walk and pick up with the volunteers the day of the event
Responsibilities are identifying and coordinating beautification projects around the neighborhood.
Identify & plan projects
Coordinate volunteers for projects
Happy Hour Coordinator (likely to resume in 2021)
Responsibilities include coordinating Happy Hour hosts, dates and guests.
Secure hosts through invitation
Inform neighborhood and invite guests
Take or arrange for pictures day of
Membership Chair and/or Co-Chair
Responsibilities include coordinating annual WPN memberships
Fullfiling website orders for membership
Approving requests to join Facebook
Planning & Zoning Liaison
Responsibilities include being the P&Z liaison to the City. Working with City Council to advocate what’s in the best interest of the neighborhood
Review site documents and provide comments and feedback to the City Councilperson and/or City of Smyrna
Occasionally attend P&Z meetings and/or conference calls
Social & Communications
We can always use extra help with event coordination and assistance as well as anyone who likes working with websites and/or mail chimp (email). Basically, if you can lift things or write things we’d love your help!