Cooper 1


Golden Retriever

Age: 5


Favorite Toy: his stuffed alligator that he brings to us when we come home 

Funny Habits: he will only eat his food if we are eating ours (what a gentleman). He loves to wrestle with daddy and snuggle with mommy We got Cooper from a breeder in Sandy Springs when he was 8 weeks old! 

He is the best big brother to his 6 month old (hooman) sister, Maggie. He lays next to her on the floor and is always so gentle with her. Cooper brings so much joy to our home!

From Cooper: "Am total stud doggo: good boi, total package. Shud not even be legal to be dis handsom. Now dat bebe sis here, black belt in kung paw comz in handy. Nobufy getz by the Coopinator."


Lil' Wheezy

